Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Curvy Review - Gerry Bartlett - Real Vampires Have Curves

Gerry Bartlett's Real Vampires Have Curves was a whim choice from a list of books available at my library via E-borrowing.
I was immediately hooked on Glory - a humorous independent vampire with a beautiful size 12 waist line with clearly far too many choices in the handsome men department, 1 book would not do, I NEEDED more.
Not only did I borrow and read this book in less than 2 days, I immediately went back for more and read the first 5 novels in a little more than a week.

Bartlett has a real talent for making the reader see a part of themselves in the beautifully developed characters she writes about -from Glory (Glorianna St.Clair) the strong willed trouble attracting made vampire to Valdez her companion and body guard shifter labradoodle you fall in love over and over again.
For anyone that loves a good romance/mystery with a healthy dose of laughs added into the mix, these books are for you.
I would absolutely recommend these to lovers of the genre and to any woman that wants to get lost for a little while in a wonderfully woven world of paranormal intrigue and romance.
Check out Ms. Bartlett on her website


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