Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tourism means I have a job

You travel and go out to eat or shop in local area stores, your money is directly affecting the economy of the place you are visiting in a positive way. I thank you for that.

Why oh why is it that I sit in a community that needs tourists to come here and help to support our economy and listen day in and day out to 'locals' bitching about how much they hate tourists.

Hello locals - these horrible tourists buy your products, eat in your restaurants and stay on your hotels and campgrounds. Without them you would not have a business as successful as you do.

These tourists pay my bills, I rely heavily on tips being a server to supplement my income. I appreciate every penny I get.

My husband works in tourism organizing events for tourists and locals alike, without tourists he wouldn't have a job - because of you we are both employed and we love our jobs.

Let me thank each and every one of you for coming to my community to see what we have to offer! I appreciate you and your families. I hope you all come in droves to visit us this year and next and for every year after that. I hope that the locals don't make you feel unwelcome because we need you and we like you.

Maybe you'd like to come to my community on your vacation - check out the area - we have some pretty cool stuff happening this summer or